Corporate Environmental Policy Statement

MR Factory (Multimedia Resources, SL) is committed to managing environmental impact as an integral part of our operations and visual productions. In particular, it is our policy to assure the environmental integrity of our processes and facilities at all times. We will do so by adhering to the following principles: 

  • Specially, we drastically reduce the carbon footprint and labor management using your virtual studios and improving the productivity using our chroma keys Studios for all at one place.  We also use the NDI technologies to integrate different world wide locations into one set in real time allowing to connect any production services from any place with out any people movement. 
  • We are also proud to be one of  a kind company investing in R&D to produce our content with Luma Key Studios using super Black cycloramas, in which we can reduce 100% for studio lighting power consumption. In collaboration with international partner to establish new solutions for Luma studios. 
  • We will continually seek opportunities to improve our environmental performance by establishing objectives and targets, measuring progress, and reporting our results; including but not limited to energy, water, paper and fuel consumption and vehicle miles traveled. 
  • We will promote participation and communicate our commitment to responsible environmental management by promoting environmental responsibility among our employees; by providing the necessary training and support to enable them to implement this policy; by informing suppliers of our environmental policy and encouraging them to adopt effective environmental management practices; and by soliciting input from our employees, suppliers, customers and board members in meeting our environmental goals. 

In MR Factory we are focus to prevent pollution, reduce waste, conserve water and energy, with the following measures taken by management and employees taken over the years and provide the foundation for the following corporate policy objectives:

  • Making environmental concerns an integral part of our planning and decision-making process through sufficient resources to implement effective environmental programs 
  • Ensuring proper handling and disposal of all obsolete IT and broadcast  products, electronics, and other waste, 
  • Provide a safe and healthful workplace and ensure that personnel are properly trained and have appropriate safety and emergency equipment.
  • Be an environmentally responsible neighbor in the communities where we operate, and act promptly and responsibly to correct incidents or conditions that endanger health, safety, or the environment. Report them to authorities promptly and inform affected parties as appropriate.
  • Conserve natural resources by reusing and recycling materials, purchasing recycled materials, and using recyclable packaging and other materials.
  • Use development and manufacturing processes that do not adversely affect the environment, including developing and improving operations and technologies to minimize waste, prevent air, water, and other pollution, minimize health and safety risks, and dispose of waste safely and responsibly.
  • Promoting the efficient use of energy and natural resources through cost-effective conservation and energy management throughout our business, including conserving energy, improving energy efficiency, and giving preference to renewable over non-renewable energy sources when feasible.
  • Participate in efforts to improve environmental protection and understanding around the world and share appropriate pollution prevention technology, knowledge and methods.
  • Meet or exceed all applicable government requirements and voluntary requirements to which MR Factory subscribes. Set and adhere to stringent requirements form local and global policies, and periodically issue progress reports to the general public.
  • Conduct rigorous audits and self-assessments of IBM’s compliance with this policy, measure progress of IBM’s environmental affairs performance, and report periodically to the Board of Directors.
  • Supporting research, development programs, and technologies aimed at minimizing global warming and climate change as Luma Key. And virtual production as well as Telepresence.
  • Educating employees to be accountable for environmental stewardship and encouraging them to seek innovative ways to improve the environmental aspects of our operations

Every employee and every contractor on MR Factory premises is expected to follow this policy and to report any environmental, health, or safety concern to our management team. 

To ensure commitment to our environmental policy, here are effective changes we have made to our office:

  • Using email where possible and reducing the use of paper in our operations
  • Using low energy light bulbs and Luma key Studios
  • Installing motion sensor lights in areas of low use
  • Reducing and monitoring energy consumption for electricity, gas, and water
  • Auto Turning off unnecessary lights
  • Turning off unused electronics
  • Purchasing recycled office and kitchen supplies
  • Recycling and reusing waste materials, where possible Actively promoting waste management by Reducing, Reusing, and Recycling
  • Evaluating our environmental performance through periodic reviews and audits to ensure that our conduct is consistent with these principles

Waste of electrical and electronic equipment

MRFactory is committed to met the requirements of the European Union’s WEEE Directive, with directives for waste and recycling electronic equipment (WEEE) Directive to reduce the waste arising from electrical and electronic equipment and to improve the environmental performance of all those involved in the lifecycle of our products into the national laws of the 28 European Economic Area (EEA) states and applies to firms that manufacture, sell, distribute, recycle, or treat electrical and electronic equipment.

If you have any questions about MR Factory’s efforts to achieve WEEE compliance, email them to


Juan L. Bravo

General Manager

Multimedia Resources, SL